PO Box 335, Boiling Springs, PA 17007 info@CraigheadHouse.org

Two Books in a Bundle




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The Summer of the Falcon

Jean Craighead George’s family has generously allowed us to print a limited number of soft cover copies of The Summer of the Falcon, their mother’s book about life at Craighead House. Besides Jean’s words and drawings, this special edition contains a cross-reference from Pritchett family characters in the book to the real-life Craigheads in the cover photograph. We have also inserted period photos to give the read an idea of how the place looked at the time. Friends and family members provided reflections of life at Craighead House, which conclude the book.

Softcover. Regularly $10.00

Glorious Times

Glorious Times tells the fascinating story of an American family that settled near the South Mountain “Cradle of Conservation,” next to the Yellow Breeches Creek, with woods, fields and meadows and the mountain a walk away. For centuries “Craighead Station,” Pennsylvania was and still is “home” though many members settled elsewhere. But they always returned. Tom Benjey’s engaging telling of the family’s history focuses special attention on the generation we know best: that of the twins Frank, Jr., John and their sister Jean Craighead George. But the author also shines a light on the important contributions all of the Craighead naturalists have made to American history, conservation and education.

Softcover. Regularly $18.95